Costa Rica

A pair of beautiful kids from the village.


Costa Rica

Candle making class.



Removing the pebbles and stones from the beans before eating.

Civic Involvement


One of the smallest churches we visited.


Costa Rica

Checking their teeth!


Costa Rica

Darlene holding one of the precious children from the village.



Marriage Communication Course in Holguien, Cuba.


Costa Rica

A family from the village.



Local transportation.


Costa Rica

"The Musical"

CFCI Banner

Missionary Trip to Peru in April 2011

As many of you know I felt God call me to teach in Peru last July 2010. At the end of my time there I sensed God calling me back and instructing me to bring a small team. My first time there was training. Through my first experience I understood their needs so I rewrote the Blessing course specifically for Peru with a lot of information so they can teach it when I leave I also prepared inner healing training for equipping the leaders. It is thrilling and stretching to work with God in Peru during this 16 day ministry.

Two women, Barbara and Bev went down with me this time and mostly taught the Blessing course while I did the communication, nurturing, and evangelism. We were a good team and worked well together. Our interpreter was Daniel, 18 years old and the nephew of Pastor Samuel. This was their first experience and they were blessed by the people and God. They looked at this experience as training by God and they want to continue the work. We taught: Changing Your World Through Blessings, Inner Healing, Good Self Esteem and Poor Self Esteem — it is not Enough, Business Communication, and What a Policeman Needs in a Dangerous World.

Group Photo of the Team
Sharon, Bev, Dan, Barb & Sam

We worked with churches, leaders, abused women and very new Christians.  God taught all of us a lot and it was thrilling as God stretched us. It was a miracle that we got into some of these place as there were no Christian connections. What attracted them was the communication course and it didn’t matter that it was a Christian course. They gave us complete freedom. God told me to take my computer. I am glad I listened. So while the rest of the team became tourists for a couple of afternoons, I wrote courses that would meet the specific needs of the non-Christians but with an evangelistic message. I found that I was definitely helped by the Holy Spirit. What was particularly exciting was we taught and evangelized non-Christians at large assemblies in the University, a business college, and the Police academy.

Group of PolicemenThe police cadets were like soldiers. I wasn’t sure what to do with rigid policeman. I was guided by the Holy Spirit to write a specific course for them and at the session, I was told there was no money to print the workbooks. I knew they needed the books so I gave Pastor Samuel every penny I had and told him to print them because their spiritual well being is important. Now I had to figure out what to do for an hour and I prayed in panic.Smiling Police Cadets

What one of my helpers said, “I wouldn’t have believed what I just saw, but you stripped them of their uniforms and they became little boys and you were Mum.”

Happy Cadets

Only 4 police cadets were Christians. Most of the 179 young men and women accepted Christ. What was interesting was all these cadets the day before were given Bibles by a Christian organization. Obviously God was preparing their hearts. This was a new experience for me as I mostly worked with churches although Roland always said that I had the ability to draw people to Christ.

Communicatin Value Class

We taught four large assemblies in the university about communicating value to the people in their life and the business college on communicating skills in business. All had an evangelistic focus. I think they all began to realize the difference Jesus makes. All these courses were written specifically for their needs but I only had 2 hours to touch their hearts and I really needed the Spirit to move among them. God was amazing. At the end of the session I asked them to close their eyes and those who wanted Christ in their lives please stand up.

All but 2 stood up. About a total of 375–400 people accepted Christ during these sessions. These people were middle class and up. The heads of the university and college were pleased. Sad to say but this would never happen in Canada.

Inner Healing Group

I did most of the inner healing as my team are not counselors but people were obviously touched by God and some were released of past pain. In this picture, the young man in jeans whole expression changed and he couldn’t stopped laughing. He was full of joy and wanted to participate in teaching his cell group what he had learnt.

There was about 100 people being healed by Christ.

We also taught other groups how to nurture their own people and left enough materials that they could study.

I taught a sermon twice on the workers in the vineyard. I had a Jesus experience in one of the churches. I approached this parable quite differently and a beggar was in the doorway pacing back and forth waiting for the service to be over to receive money. She then stopped and began to listen. She walked into the church and leaned against the wall, then sat down obviously listening. At the end of my sermon, I went and hug many of the people, she came to me, hugged me and said, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” and left not asking for any money. I sat down and sensed Jesus. He said, “This is what it is all about.” This was the most exciting moment for me.

Small Church

Small church, mostly abused women

Large Group

Large group needed lots of workbooks

We also taught teenagers and I wrote a course specifically for them and they asked some very good questions. They later asked us to go to a street birthday party.   A great experience for my team.

After teaching for about 10 hours one day, we got on a bus at 10:30 pm. We arrived at our next destination at 8:30 am and began teaching at 10 am and taught for the whole day. We had quite a grueling schedule but we had the energy to do it, thanks to God. Several days, I worked about 10–12 hours because of writing courses as well as teaching but had an amazing experience with God and promised the people to return next year. They want to do big rallies. Head office has requested that I take the responsibility of Peru and bring people to minister to this country.

God is continually stretching and surprising me as in May and June I will be teaching the Blessing course to many Chinese teenagers as well as some adult groups. Life is never dull, I just wish there were more hours in the day.

If anyone would like me to teach any of the courses that my husband and I have written, I would be honored to come and teach. These courses are described in our website. The Blessing course is good for large or small groups and are written in English and Spanish. I can easily change the focus. It is a very good follow up course to Alpha or doing evangelism. I have some amazing testimonies.

Blessings to you all,

Sharon Pierrot
Base Director — Christ for the City International Canada